First, I rented an appliance dolly from UHaul. We dismantled the upstairs components and stuff. Used the dolly to take the 2 massive tower units to the garage. Then brought in the new tv stand. Phew, that about killed me there. Then Dr. Mike came over and we somehow managed to get the big screen downstairs but not before I had images of death running through my head.
Mike was at the top with the dolly and I was on the stairs. The thing is so big my first thought was it would get wedged into the ceiling and I would have to live in the basement forever. My second thought, as I'm standing under the tv, looking like Hercules, attempting to hold this tv up, is that if Mike loses control of the dolly I'm am dead, squashed by a 500 lb tv as we both tumble down the stairs. Very nervous going over that first step but we took it slow and managed to get all the way down without incident. It will live in the basement forever now, there's no way to get it back up again without a crane.
After we got that out of the way, we brought in the new tv. If you're looking for a new tv and someone is selling a big rear projection set for $1,000 cheaper than a new DLP or LCD or whatever, spend the money. That thing weighed 80 lbs and we had it in and set up in a minute.
I hooked everything back up and after a couple glitches (directv receiver reset to output 480p instead of 1080i, had me confused for a bit, and somehow I had turned off my subwoofer so the sound was screwed up initially), we were up and watching tv. Of course, by this time it was 9:30 and I hadn't eaten dinner... so a nice big bowl of frosted mini-wheats was just what the doctor ordered.
I took a picture this morning of the new tv and stand. Here it is.

You're lucky you've never pissed off Dr. Mike. He had an easy chance to take you out, ...and it would have looked like a simple accident. :)
Great TV, I think I'll come by and steal it tonight.
I like the TV - my grandmother has a stand like that!
Got that right, KK. Come on over, the guard dogs would love to eat you, I mean see you.
Grinder, your grandmother has great taste, unlike you.
Frickin' sweet.
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