On Christmas day I took Cdubya to her first Packer game. I took my digital camera so we could get some pictures as a reminder, etc. CB was nice enough to take a picture outside Lambeau of us and I took some other pictures from inside during the game. Yesterday I uploaded them to the computer and deleted them off the camera. Then while I was attempting to delete ONE picture I had some how selected ALL the pictures and in one moment all was lost... and no, they didn't go to the recycle bin, they just went bye bye... bummer.
As for the game. It was fun, got to insult tons of Bears fans, got to see Brett throw 4 interceptions, got to see Longwell miss two easy field goals and got to see the Packers lose their 12th game of the season.
Prior to the game we went to Anduzzi's bar for cocktails and lunch. Nice place and they have Guinness on tap so I was instantly a fan. While we were there 4 Mike Ditka look alikes came through. One of them was wearing a coconut bra and grass skirt, ala Chris Farley and the SNL "da Bears" skits.
Highlights of Christmas...
My nephew letting everyone know he got the BIGGEST present out of everyone (the Roboraptor we bought him). That thing was a pain in the ass. Took us about a half hour to get it out of the box and my fingers got sliced up on the plastic packaging. They actually screwed the bottom of it down in the box. It was pretty cool but he didn't really let any of us mess with it. I had the controller for about 10 seconds before he noticed and yanked it away. Ah, 6 year olds, aren't they fun? Makes me want to have 10 of them.

My mom got us this Texas Hold'em electronic game that hooks up to the tv. Gotta try that out, might be fun for our little new years party.
Cdubya got me the Golf Launchpad simulator for my PS2. It's fun but a couple things. First, you need a lot of room to swing a club indoors. Second, it's not all that accurate for putting and chipping. I played it in the living room and was very nervous about swinging a club 100 mph 2 feet from my 55" big screen tv! I can just see the head fly off and smash! There goes the tv...
She also got me these new bowling shoes... can't wait to hear the reaction Wednesday.

Haven't read your blog in awhile but Anduzzi's is not named after an ex Packer. I have been introduced to the owners (two couples) one of which last name is Anduzzi. There is a former Packer Joe Andruzzi who has played on several Super Bowl teams for the Patriots but his named is spelled differently.
well spank my ass and call me nancy...
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