Ok, it's not really my birthday but after seeing what Steve Jobs had to offer today during his keynote speech at MacWorld I went to the Apple Store online and ordered a new AppleTV device (http://www.apple.com/appletv/ ) .
This bad boy will let me stream everything that I have in iTunes to my big screen tv. Want to watch a movie? Bring up the menu, select the movie and go. An old episode of Seinfeld? Same thing. Play a music playlist through my home theater, just pick it from the menu. This is the one item I have been waiting for.
Making all this possible is HandBrake software on Mac OS X which will allow me to rip my dvd's to their full resolution complete with dolby digital 5.1 audio. Now, I figure it will only take me about 4 months at 4 hours per day to rip all my dvd's....
AppleTV ships in February, making it my birthday present says Cdubya. Oh well, at least I know I'll like my present! ;)
I hate you.
And here I was happily waiting on IPTV.
I can't wait to get my hands on that bad boy. The iPhone was awesome too but I've already got a smartphone, a Razr and an 80 gb iPod. Can't really justify adding another $500 phone to the arsenal just yet.
Gonna need a batman utility belt before too long!
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